The main lines
Very small but so dangerous...
What makes fine particulate matter so concerning is its size. They measure less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, about 30 times smaller than the thickness of a human hair. By way of comparison, the coronavirus with which we are now very familiar has a diameter of 0.1 micrometers.
Fine particulate matter differ from gaseous pollutants because they are solids or liquids suspended in the air, while gases are in a gaseous form. Their nature can vary, ranging from particles resulting from combustion, such as soot or ash, to particles resulting from complex chemical reactions in the atmosphere. Their composition may also include substancesthese harmfuls, such asheavy rates, volatile organic compounds and other chemicals.
Due to their small size, they can penetrate deep into our airways when we inhale them. This means that they can reach the most sensitive parts of our lungs, or even enter our bloodstream and reach other organs.

"Better to take change by the hand before it grabs us by the throat"
- Winston Churchill